Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

Congressman Tom Price is scheduled to speak at the 9/12 event.

He is a cosponsor of HR25.

I wonder if he will mention FairTax on 9/12. He was also a speaker at the NTU in DC a little while back. If it were not for me asking him about it when it came to time for questions, he would not have even mentioned FairTax when he addressed the people there.

A couple hundred people showed for the NTU event in DC.
About 6000 showed up for a GRASSROOTS thing in MO!

NO ONE even MENTIONED the MO rally at the NTU event.

There was a very big disconnect between the NTU event and the Mid West Rally that was happening at the exact same time.

Maybe if we get a good enough showing on the 'Storm The Hill' project he will get the hint. We should zero in on his office and let him know we will be watching.

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I agree with the idea of making sure someone visits his office on 9/11. We should thank him for his support of the FairTax and ask him to mention the FairTax during his speech on 9/12.

It would be nice if he could mention that he was visited by members of FairTax Nation and mention our site along with fairtax.org - but I guess that's just wishful thinking.
If someone has the time, please call his office and ask what floor of what building his office is in.
His address and contact info is:

424 Cannon House Office Building,
District of Columbia 20515-1006
Phone: (202) 225-4501
Do you recognize any other FairTaxer names here?


Dick Armey - FreedomWorks
Matt Kibbe – FreedomWorks
Mason Weaver, San Diego, CA
John Tate, Campaign for Liberty
Rep. Marsha Blackburn (TN)
Jenny Beth Martin, Tea Party Patriots
Darla Dawald, Resistnet.com
Brendan Steinhauser, FreedomWorks
Steve Elliot, Grassfire
Kellen Giuda, New York City
Deneen Borelli, The National Center for Public Policy Research/Project 21
Andrew Langer, Institute for Liberty
Stephen Baldwin and Kevin McCollough, X-Treme Radio
Yaron Brook, Ayn Rand Center for Individual Rights
Lloyd Marcus, Tea Party Express
Rev. CL Bryant, Shreveport, Louisiana
Joel Aaron, Atlanta, Georgia
Chris Cassone
Phillip Dennis, Dallas, Texas
Jeff Anderer, entreprenuer
Rep. Tom Price (GA)
Rep. Michelle Bachmann (MN)
Doc Thompson, Richmond, Virginia
Mario Lopez, Hispanic Leadership Fund
Toby Marie Walker, Waco, TX
Andrew Moylan, NTU
Kelly Hoag, Austin, TX
Bruce Bellot
Slight shortened:

Mason Weaver, San Diego, CA
John Tate, Campaign for Liberty
Jenny Beth Martin, Tea Party Patriots
Darla Dawald, Resistnet.com
Steve Elliot, Grassfire
Kellen Giuda, New York City
Deneen Borelli, The National Center for Public Policy Research/Project 21
Andrew Langer, Institute for Liberty
Stephen Baldwin and Kevin McCollough, X-Treme Radio
Yaron Brook, Ayn Rand Center for Individual Rights
Lloyd Marcus, Tea Party Express
Rev. CL Bryant, Shreveport, Louisiana
Joel Aaron, Atlanta, Georgia
Chris Cassone
Phillip Dennis, Dallas, Texas
Jeff Anderer, entreprenuer
Rep. Tom Price (GA)
Doc Thompson, Richmond, Virginia
Mario Lopez, Hispanic Leadership Fund
Toby Marie Walker, Waco, TX
Andrew Moylan, NTU
Kelly Hoag, Austin, TX
Bruce Bellot
Glenn Beck has announced he is going to be in DC on 9/12/09 to cover the event LIVE from 1:00 to 3:00 PM on FOX NEWS.
I'm not sure how that wil help us...
FOX News is covering the TEA PARTY EXPRESS bus traveling from the West Coast to DC every night on HANNITY show. So far, I have not seen a single FAIRTAX sign or flag, even homemade reference sign to the FAIRTAX. Glenn Beck will have two hours of live TV for the Tea Party.

There needs to be FAIRTAX and FTN signs all over the place. They can be on 8.5X11 card stock and printed on a PC or local printing shops. Every local group along the route of the bus tour should flood the area.

Unfortunately, I cannot make it to DC to be part of the crowd.
I'm doing all I can to make that happen in DC.

In Memphis on the 4th, my wife and I will have a large FTN banner up and will be wearing FT shirts. Hopefully we will get others to do the same.
I'll be there on the 12th. Come find me, I'll be wearing a FairTax hat. Let's try to get a sign up sheet prepared. Y'all bring a clip-board. Let's get names and email addresses (legibly), and a zip code or cong. district. Let's group up for the march. Let's try to get to the front with those flags (re: Jim). For those of you "storming the hill" (I can't make it), learn where your representatives or senators office is. That's good information to have. If you are not "storming the hill", learn where their office is anyway. It will be useful information to have for next time. And next time there will be even more of us.
But as it concerns the 12th, let's gang up and get to work! I'm soliciting opinions on where we should meet. We could try to fight our way to the front of the stage and meet up. Or we could meet up at Freedom Plaza where the march starts, and try to lead the whole thing! HA!

Last I heard, there will be 250,000 attending on the 12th - so it might be hard to find you. May I suggest that you find us instead? Just look for someone carrying one of the large FairTax flags and the rest should be easy from there.

I really do like your thinking on this - and I kind of like the name "Freedom Plaza"!
Thanks Sean! The whole bit of "find me I'll be wearing a FT hat" is a joke. But good point that if Jim has flags, let us approach the flags, get with Jim, and get to work.


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