Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

I want to go a different direction with this discussion. I want to set up a website specifically to support FairTax Candidates. I want to have a clickable map that lists candidates running on the FairTax all across the country. We will be using the domain name fairtaxadvocate.net. I need some expeirenced web designers to help with this project. It is our intention to turn this into a PAC to help raise money for these candidates. There will be a form for people to nominate candidates in each district, and then all candidates will be listed regardless of party. Then, there will be a voting process where members will be able to vote for the candidate they think best represents the FairTax. There will be some money put into this project by me, and we will do fundraising as well. If you think you can help, please send me a msg.

Thank you.

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Thank you Joshua,
I'm new and just now getting involved. I'm in dist.02 and Jamie got me going on this and I want to help save our country. This is a great first step. Count me in to help and let me know how I can. Paul, A Fellow Patriot
I'm as poor as a church mouse, but I'll try and send a few bucks their way. Any time you learn of more, please add them here. We need to know who these folks are.
Hi Joshua,
My name is Albert Guy Kerr and I'm running for Congress on the Republican ticket in Florida, District 8. I'm not a politician or an attorney. I add the last part because I think we have had enough attorneys’ in Washington. I have nothing against them…we need them…just not in Washington. I am a conservative who believes strongly in the Fair Tax. I am a conservative in every respect…I believe in smaller government, fiscal responsibility, Pro-life and marriage between a man and a woman. I’m a defender of the 1st and 2nd amendments and I feel that both are under attack. I am very outspoken about HR 25/ S 296. I could use lots of help here in Florida. If anyone is available you can reach me at guykerrforcongress@gmail.com . My website should be up in a week or two and will be www.guykerrforgongress.com . Thank you for the opportunity to serve.
For those who may not know, the current representative of the 8th congressional district in Florida is Alan Grayson (D) who is listed as "Against" the FairTax on the congressional scorecard at FairTax.org. Again, I don't care which party you belong to, but any friend of the FairTax is a friend of mine.

The 8th congressional district includes the great and fabulous city of Orlando, and FairTax Nation is well represented in the area by the Central Florida FairTax group (hint,hint Guy).

In my honest opinion, I think central Floridian FairTax supporters need to rally around this "Guy" (please pardon my play on names/words).
Guy, I hope you will join the multitude of candidates who are coming to www.billybarepockets.com to answer our questionaire about your stand on important issues. Please visit us and go to the candidates page so we can begin helping you obtain the seat you are seeking.

I tried going to your website, but the link did not work.

Talk to you soon,
Which guy are you accusing of this Pamela? I don't want our organization to be blind sided by such allegations against anyone we promote.
I banned her.

NExt time someone comes on here doing something like that let me know, please.
Hi Guy Kerr, you need to put your comment on the Florida group if you have not already done so. Good luck. Billie in Beavercreek
Hi Joshua,

Your list should include Mr. Timothy Delasandro from the 17th district of the great state of Texas.
Melody Scalley, Va Delegate 100 district
Howdy. I am running in TX-17 www.TimothyforCongress.com I will be a co-sponsor of FairTax.
Timothy, I just sent you a message through your website. I look forward to helping you get elected. One of my Regional Coordinators, Dale Cates lives in Texas and will be your direct contact for Billy Barepockets, Inc. Until I connect you guys, please feel free to contact me directly. Also please don't forget to go to www.billybarepockets.com and complete the very short questionaire on the candidates page.


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