Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25


Defending the FairTax

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Thanks EVERYONE together we can give different responses & be ready for the next attack!


Members: 22
Latest Activity: Jul 3, 2012

Attacks on FairTax week of October 9 - 14 & a good news story too

Tales From New Hampshire -- USA Today


As to long-term fairness, Cain's website describes the plan as "Phase 1" in
a progression to adopting the FairTax proposal, which a bipartisan presidential advisory
rejected in 2005. The panel found such a national sales tax
would have to be set at 34 percent to produce the same income as the current
system, and would increase the tax burden on middle-income taxpayers while
reducing it sharply on those making over $200,000 a year.

Flat Tax Vs. Fair Tax Vs. Herman Cain's 9-9-9 Plan --


Now we come to the “Fair Tax,” a rather horrible name for a system which
aims to generate all revenue from a single national VAT or sales tax. This would
be equivalent to a 30% sales tax rate, as normally calculated (exclusive

Don’t Laugh at the Best Part of Herman Cain’s 9-9-9

And I think, too, of Mike Huckabee's national
sales tax plan
(dubbed the "Fair Tax")—and how it never gained much



With the rhetoric for next year's
presidential election heating up, we continue to hear more about Herman Cain's
"9-9-9" tax plan and other ideas centered on the Fair Tax mantra. Well, I'm here
to tell you that Houstonians are already living the Fair Tax


9-9-9 and the 99



The second phase of Cain's plan is
the implementation of a fair tax to replace the 9-9-9 transition. This would
force the parasites of society to contribute to the host body.


Herman Cain, The Unusual



The first objection is that the
left will simply run ads that the middle class will pay a sales tax on top of
their income tax. This is a tactic that the left and Democrats have used against
Fair Tax proponents. In the 2004 South Carolina election, Jim DeMint was
attacked for proposing a sales tax on top of an income tax (something that is
not true since DeMint's plan, like Cain's support for the Fair Tax, replaces the
income tax with a sales tax, but that didn't stop the Democrats from running the


Gary Johnson: A GOP
Candidate Out but Not Down



Tweeting during the debate last
night, Johnson pushed the fair tax, something he’s long advocated. “Cain’s 9-9-9
plan basically phases in the fair tax,” he wrote, in response to the debate
discussion about Herman Cain’s tax plan. “Just implement [that].” Johnson also
tweeted, “I promise to advocate throwing out the entire federal tax system and replace it with the fair tax.”


Herman Cain for Senate? The
Inside Story of His First Insurgent Campaign 
Oct 14, 2011



As he does now, he trumpeted a
bold, regressive and probably unfeasible tax plan -- back then, it was the "fair
tax" national sales-tax proposal.

Discussion Forum

Constitution Party of WA opposes FairTax citing no constitutional authority

Started by Jamie Wheeler WA. Last reply by Jamie Wheeler WA Feb 11, 2012. 4 Replies

CONSTITUTION PARTY OF WASHINGTON OPPOSES THE FAIR TAX, CITING NO CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITYFor Immediate Release:  20 April 2011Spokane,. Washington…Robert W. Peck, Chairman of the Constitution Party…Continue

FairTax and NEW Home Construction

Started by Jamie Wheeler WA. Last reply by William Payne Oct 13, 2011. 1 Reply

I watched the Ways and Means Committee meeting (back when it happened) concerning the Fair Tax and flat tax proposals. I was disappointed in the juvenile format of the discussion. One particular…Continue

Comment Wall


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Comment by Robert Williams on April 9, 2012 at 9:17pm

Here is a democrat page asking for input regarding the Buffet Rule


Comment by Robert Williams on April 9, 2012 at 9:16pm

Please go add comments to this Yahoo News Article


Comment by Robert Williams on March 18, 2012 at 11:23am

Here is an attack I just responded to by posing the blog here on FairTaxNation:

Is Fair Tax the Answer? by Dr. Bill May


My response:


Is Fair Tax the Answer?

Comment by Marilyn Rickert on February 10, 2012 at 8:08pm

We can and will pass the Fair Tax. Its is only the time frame I don't know about it but I am working hard to make it happen ASAP!

Comment by Larry Killion on February 10, 2012 at 8:03pm


The Fair Tax will never happen in our lifetime,

Do you know how long it would take to implement what you suggest?  There at least 37 States with Income taxes that will never go for a sales tax.  It will never happen blah blah blah...

Answer - Go to FairTaxNation.com and at least take an honest look at the plan before you toss it out for no good reason.  This is not a State issue.  It is a national issue.  If a Democratic Congress and President can pass Obama-care in less than two years, surely a Republican Congress and President can repeal the 16th amendment and replace the IRS with a constitutionally limited FairTax in the same amount of time (assuming the GOP wins majority in Congress and the Presidency in November). 

Comment by Frank Gilbert on December 23, 2011 at 10:31pm

Latest FairTax column in the Fairborn Daily Herald by our gifted state director Steve Curtis. Enjoy!

Comment by William Payne on October 15, 2011 at 10:43am
I did see Huckabee on there in one segment, defending the FairTax admirably and pointing out the good parts of 999. 999 is getting lambasted, but I have heard NO ONE explain that it is NOT a 9% tax increase on anybody unless that person spends ALL their income, and unless they spend it ALL on NEW goods. Neither have I heard anyone explain that people can use it as a motivation to save because most people spend too much on luxuries (take, uh, Starbucks, for instance). One $4.50 latte is the tax on $50 worth of new goods (like groceries) a person needs. I even heard one person say that a retiree's SS income would be taxed. What it all amounts to is, people (especially the press) aren't studying either plan enough to know the facts. I hope we can change that somehow.
Comment by Marilyn Rickert on October 15, 2011 at 8:30am

I just posted stories negative to FairTax (and one good one)

Comment by Marilyn Rickert on October 15, 2011 at 8:24am
If you saw Karl Rove on Fox and Friends this morning, you saw the attacks that have been placed on the FairTax from the right. They have been showing graphis of the Cain "9" plus the state sales tax. Rove also called it a VAT. He completely ignored the reduction in embeded taxes. It was a mess. We have a lot of work to do!
Comment by Dr. Stephen Uhl on October 14, 2011 at 10:42am
Here's the conclusion of page one of TIME TO TAKE OUT THE GARBAGE. (p. 2 is below as FAIRTAX SUMMARY FROM 2010 ELECTION -- sorry for the discontinuities!)------------------------------------------------------------ 

There is no hint as to where those mythical figures came from! Such demagoguery is despicable and totally inexcusable, since DCCC certainly knew that they were misrepresenting FairTax by omitting any reference to the FairTax prebate which untaxes the poor altogether and makes FairTax more progressive than the present I.R.S. income tax system. In fact, FairTax TOTALLY REPLACES all the federal income tax expenses; this lets workers take home their larger paychecks with NO federal withholding to reduce those checks.


The lying ad strongly implies that FairTax would add 23% to current costs, raising taxes by thousands of dollars for everyone but the wealthy. The ad makes no mention of the drastically reduced manufacturing costs under FairTax, nor does it mention that visitors to U.S. and the current trillion dollar underground economy’s cheaters; as they spend their billions of dollars, they helpfully broaden the tax base under FairTax. (Under FairTax no one needs to know how much income you earn.)


The deceitful DCCC ad is evidently working too effectively; it seems to keep Democrats uninterested in the historic FairTax (H.R. 25 & S. 13); of the 70 Congressional co-sponsors of these proposed bills, only one Democrat raises his courageous head. This partisan inequality based on ignorance must change in order to allow such history changing legislation to become reality.


A brief study of 2010 House election results nationwide should quickly convince the Democrats that they had best ignore such disgraceful ads of DCCC and think for themselves to improve their chances of being elected. See from the results that people who understand FairTax come to demand it. And as FairTax becomes better known, we see that the voters have shown that the candidates who advocated FairTax and pushed back against such lying ads actually won their races disproportionately.


Please understand the accompanying election results, and help us make FairTax truly non-partisan! It is simply too great, simple, and fair to allow one party to claim it as its own. (www.fairtax.org)


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