Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

Jordan Williamson
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Jordan Williamson's Friends

  • Robert Williams
  • Robert L. Williams
  • John Wesley Nobles
  • Sam Kemp
  • Jamie Wheeler WA
  • Marilyn Rickert

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Jordan Williamson's Blog


Posted on April 9, 2012 at 5:57pm 0 Comments

The history of this nation and its present state answer some very old questions. What is the cost of liberty? How can freedom prosper under government regulation? Can a citizen alter or abolish the system of control placed over him? The successes and strides that America has made over the years seem to give us clues to the answers. However, there seems to be a turning point in our philosophy as a people in the past few years. The word cost is meaningless in our national discourse as it seems…



Posted on November 7, 2011 at 6:52pm 0 Comments


There are a number of differences between the FairTax plan and other plans occupying the current political debate. I thought of contrasting the 9-9-9 plan specifically however it seems that Herman Cain…


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At 5:18am on February 21, 2016, Jamie Wheeler WA said…

Just started a new group in hopes to get Presidential Candidates on board the Fair Tax.  GOAL 100 postcards in their mailboxes BEFORE March 1...Super Tuesday. Check it out here:  http://www.fairtaxnation.com/group/postcards

At 11:41am on November 17, 2011, Robert Williams said…

Jordan, I added your blog to my blogroll. I hope you will return the favor. http://fairtaxer.wordpress.com/

Also, there is a way for you to link your blog to your FairTaxNation Profile. You can see my profile for more info.


Glad to have you on board with the FairTax!



Robert Williams

At 7:44am on June 22, 2011, Robert L. Williams said…

Hi Jordan,


Thanks for adding me to your Fair Tax Nation friends list.

At 5:24am on June 15, 2011, Jamie Wheeler WA said…

Storming the Hill here we come!!!!


At 10:42am on April 13, 2011, Marilyn Rickert said…
Welcome to Fair Tax Nation!
This is the site where the grassroots share ideas, plan events, and work together to pass the FairTax!
The FairTax bill HR 25 has been introduced into Congress with 47 cosponsors on the first day! We are now up to 59 cosponsors in the House. To read the FairTax Bill go to www.Thomas.gov and look up HR 25. The FairTax bill was introduced into the Senate as S 13. Watch the number of cosponsors grow on the main page, upper left corner.
We are asking you to write, email, call, and/or visit your Congressmen and ask them to cosponsor the FairTax bill. To locate your Congressmen go to: http://www.contactingthecongress.org/   
We have 150+ other FairTax groups you may be interested in joining. Just click on the "groups" tab at the top of the main page.
Look for our calendar on the main page with lots of events to attend. Feel free to post your FairTax events on the calendar.
Click on our "communication" tab at the top of the page. Here you can find our Forum and Blog pages which are popular areas for sharing FairTax ideas. Don't miss the live chat (bottom of the page) to meet other FairTaxers or hold your own online meeting.
This site is full of tools you can use to promote the FairTax in your state and across the nation.
Questions? Just ask!
Again Welcome!
At 4:51am on April 12, 2011, Jamie Wheeler WA said…

Welcome to FTN Jordan,

Please click on the link & JOIN your STATE GROUP  

http://www.fairtaxnation.com/group/texasfairtax so you don't miss out on any emails that are sent to members of that group and then see all the other groups you can join to network & brainstorm about the FairTax! It is time to TAKE ACTION education, education, education!

Every time you are signed in...open the FTN chat window so you can start to chat with other FT supporters from all over the USA!!! It is the ICON in the lower right hand corner of your screen in the middle, 2 box type pictures!
Hope to see you here more, THANK YOU for all you are doing to get the word out about the FairTax!  Congress will not do it without us...2012 here we come!!!
Gooooo Fairtax!
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask...a fellow FT Warrior from the desert part of WA State!

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