Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

North Carolina FairTax


North Carolina FairTax

Website: http://www.ncfairtax.org
Members: 120
Latest Activity: Sep 23, 2015

North Carolina FairTax State Leadership

Discussion Forum

Sept. Webinar: Understanding The FairTax

Started by Larry Walters Sep 16, 2009. 0 Replies

August Webinar: Understanding the FairTax

Started by Larry Walters Aug 23, 2009. 0 Replies

Mortgage Interest Deduction

Started by Randy Stone. Last reply by David Shipp Aug 2, 2009. 5 Replies

Comment Wall


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Comment by Larry Walters on August 12, 2015 at 8:34pm

WHAT: “Understanding the FAIRtax® Webinar for Aug 2015 and

SPECIAL TOPIC:  “Flat Tax/FAIRtax, What Some Candidates Are Saying”.

Our pressure as voters must be exerted on every House Ways and Means Committee member.

WHEN: Thursday Aug. 27, 2015

TIME:  8 p.m. Eastern, 7 p.m. Central, 6 p.m. Mountain, and 5 p.m. Pacific

WHERE:  Anywhere your Personal Computer has internet access

This is a LIVE EVENT.  You can ask questions, and all questions will be answered.

Don’t forget to invite new FAIRtax supporters & prospects to participate with you.

Our webinars are vital to educating honest tax payers.  We help build the knowledge base of those on the front lines as well as those wanting to know what the FAIRtax is about.

Join Marc Manieri as he returns as Host and Presenter of the “Understanding the FairTax” webinar series.  

NOTICE:  To participate it is necessary to pre-register at this web link:



Watch for a confirmation email with instructions for logging on.

For additional information contact Larry Walters at repeal_16@earthlink.net

Comment by Larry Walters on July 17, 2014 at 9:15pm

WHAT:  “Understanding the FairTax® Webinar for July 2014 and SPECIAL TOPIC:  How You Can Help (to pass the FairTax®)”.

Our pressure as voters must be exerted on every House & Senate member, especially House Ways and Means Committee members.

WHEN: Thursday July 24, 2014

TIME:  8 p.m. Eastern, 7 p.m. Central, 6 p.m. Mountain, and 5 p.m. Pacific

WHERE:  Anywhere your Personal Computer has internet access

This is a LIVE EVENT.  You can ask questions phone/microphone or typed message and all questions will be answered.

Bring more participants to this months and every month’s webinar. Grassroots is the process of spreading the message (grass) to others. Maybe it would be better if we were a “weed” roots organization. Weeds grow faster than grass.

Join District Director & tonight’s Hostess, Barb Rudelic who will present Understanding the FairTax and our Special Topic.

In our sixth year now, Marc Manieri will return next month to resume producing and hosting our webinars.

Our webinars are vital to educating honest tax payers.  We help build the knowledge base of those on the front lines as well as those wanting to know what the FairTax® is about. 

NOTICE:  To participate it is necessary to pre-register at this web link:


Watch for a confirmation email with instructions for logging on

When you log on you may be asked to download GoToWebinar software or it will download automatically which will allow you to join us.  For additional information contact Larry Walters at repeal_16@earthlink.net.

Comment by Daniel Dyer on January 20, 2013 at 3:51pm

What if the only tax you pay the federal government

is one you don’t have to calculate or report?

Only the FairTax:

  • treats everyone the same
  • let’s you keep your entire paycheck
  • pays you your taxes if you’re poor
  • doesn’t know whether you’re poor or rich
  • eliminates the IRS and 72,000 pages of tax code
  • costs the government less than 1% to collect
  • brings jobs back to the U.S.

Find out more here.

Comment by John Pierce on May 3, 2012 at 8:15am

I already voted 

Comment by David Nelson on May 3, 2012 at 8:08am

Thanks for the scorecard, John.  Of course, O'bomney won't sign the FairTax bill even if it gets to their desk.  I suggest a vote for Ron Paul in the NC primary.

Comment by John Pierce on May 3, 2012 at 7:22am

Don't forget to vote on May 8.

Our scorecard on www.ncfairtax.org has all the candidates including those that support the Fairtax

We have a facebook page with the same information.

Comment by Mike Pool on May 11, 2010 at 7:11am
North Carolina FairTax is featuring candidates that support the FairTax on our web site. Go to www.NCFairTax.org to see what Candidate Bill Randall has to say about the FairTax. Once at the site you can click on “Bill Randall, District 13” and you will be directed to Candidate Randall’s web site to learn where he stands on all issues.
Please visit Candidate Randall’s web site and thank him for his support and promotion of the FairTax.
Comment by Mike Pool on April 30, 2010 at 6:36am
North Carolina Congressional Candidate Scorecard
2010 NC Statewide_Candidate_Scorecard_M2.pdf
Comment by David Shipp on February 18, 2010 at 2:56pm
As many of those who know me, realize. I believe GOOOH is the answer to change the system, so "we the people" decide who is going to be a candidate and who will be elected to Congress. Replacing a Democrat with a Republican is not the answer. Replacing a career politician with a person who has a commitment to his promise to represent his constituents is the answer. Please take the time to study GOOOH.com! If you have any doubts or questions, please don't hesitate to contact me at dshipp at bellsouth.net. We only need people to make this work. Can you please be one of them?
Comment by Mark B H on February 16, 2010 at 6:19pm
Question: Why are the May 4th primaries so important?
Answer: Because you can’t elect a candidate who isn’t running…

In Washington, the DC insiders are currently in control. No amount of letter writing or phone calling your representative matters right now because “we the people” are not being represented. Our representatives and senators, of both parties, have been bought and paid for by unconstitutional big money and special interest groups.

Special interest groups and big money corporations fund the campaigns of incumbents from both parties to get “special consideration” when the lobbyists come to call. In other words, our tax dollars are being used to fund a cycle of corruption and a system that ignores the will of the people.

The only solution is to clean house and to elect candidates who understand this problem and who will use the US Constitution to limit the reach of government. Lobbyists cannot influence someone who gets their campaign funds from individuals and who believes in limiting the federal government’s roll. These type candidates will actively seek to modify the federal budgeting process and the tax system to break the cycle of special interest and big money corruption.

We cannot elect such candidates if they are not on the ballot. More people need to get involved now in the vetting, endorsement process, and campaigning for Independence Caucus (IC) candidates. We must do the hard work to ensure that an IC candidate is on the ticket for each district in November. The Primary elections are coming fast and we need to get ready now as if November is here in May 4th (when primary elections are held).

The candidates who are willing to answer IC’s written vetting questions are always more likely to follow through on what they say they will do…because it’s in writing and we know what a person’s word means in politics! Of course, there are no guarantees but this increases the likelihood of them following through.

Take a look at what Jason Chaffetz (R), our first national success story from 2008, is saying and doing…he’s following through and doing what he promised. We need more like him—but it will only happen if people get involved during the primary process.

You can view our videos here on my page.
To join us and learn more go to:
http://icaucus.ning.com and http://www.OurCaucus.com

Members (120)


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