Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

J.D. Lamb
  • Male
  • Edgewood, TX
  • United States
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It's Time for a Second Tax Revolt By; Michael Reagan

Started this discussion. Last reply by Jim Tomasik Feb 4, 2010. 5 Replies

Below please find a special message from one of our advertisers, FairTax. From time to time, we receive opportunities we believe you as a valued customer may want to know about. Please note that the…Continue

Tags: Tax Revolt, Protest, Politics, Michael Reagan, Conservative


Started this discussion. Last reply by Jim Tomasik Oct 12, 2009. 7 Replies

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) Interview On ACORNwww.3Dflags.com…Continue

Tags: Bachmann, Fraud, Acorn


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Obama IS a Socialists. Every thing that he is doing and everything that the Democrats have done since FDR, is Socialist in principal and in theory. People need to wake up. Socialism has never worked, it will never work and it will not work in this country.

Obama throwing money at the failing economy won’t fix it. Government ownership of private business is illegal. It is SOCIALISM! Government control of the Health-care system (SOCIALIZED Health-care) is……… guess what? ………SOCIALISM!


Leftist support an excessive and oppressive government, that is in absolute control of every thing. This has never worked and never will. An over-sized government is like a fat lady sitting on a three legged milking stool, doomed to disaster. No system of government is perfect therefore it follows that the less government we have, the better off we are.

Do these leftists understand how quickly a Socialist or Fascist regime would turn on their most loyal supporters, if they ever reach the tipping point of power? Welfare recipients, who contribute nothing to the benefit of the State, among others, would be rounded up and sent to the “re-education” facilities. Those who are wealthy and are not involved in government would become peasants overnight. If you don't believe me, study the histories of other nations that chose socialism in one of it's many variations or fascism as their system of government.



Socialist control freaks are hijacking our country!!!

Our government has not operated within the limits of the Constitution for far too long!!!

Constitutional limits are there for good reason!

We must remind them that they work for us.

Their recent Unconstitutional and illegal activities are completely


Enough is enough!!!

I support and will defend a Constitutional Government that promotes individual freedom and liberty, within moral boundaries thereby encouraging individual achievement and success. (Socialism does not do this! Fascism does not do this! They do not work!) It’s time to put an end to all forms of exploitation and manipulation by our Government.

I love my country. I served in the Texas Army National Guard. I would fight and die for our freedom. Our Federal Government no longer serves the best interest and the will of the people. They work to further their own Socialist agenda and institute their own policies that curtail our freedom.

Into the vacuum created by Godlessness, the evils of Socialism have crept in!

We live in a Nation whose government was founded on Judeo-Christians beliefs. All non Creator God based belief systems are allowed but they are not prominent and were not instrumental in the creation of our system of government and our way of life. Therefore, I hold firmly to my position,


is a Christian Nation.

The separation of Church and State was and is intended to prevent the government from establishing a “State Religion”. (In other words, the government can’t decide that Catholicism is the only religion that will be practiced in America. You will be Catholic or go to jail!) It does not prevent our government and our society from respecting God’s Word and God’s Law and making decisions and life choices accordingly. The systematic removal of God from our society has contributed to its moral decay and is a contributing factor to the mess we find ourselves in. We do not want a Godless Socialist or Godless Fascist government in control of our lives here in our:


sylvester75117 - View my most interesting photos on Flickriver



Visit: Texas Nationalist.com

Visit: Draw A Line.org

Visit: The TEXAS Regulators on The Regulators Anti-Socialism Vigilance Committee

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J.D. Lamb's Blog

First a Democrat then a Republican—Is It Good For YOU?

Posted on November 27, 2009 at 12:36am 0 Comments

First a Democrat then a Republican—Is It Good For YOU? From the desk of;

Melissa Pehle-Hill

www.Melissa2010.com In hearing that many elected officials are switching over from the Democrat Party to the Republican Party I have mixed feelings though most of those feelings are not of joy or elation but rather of disgust and aggravation. Let me explain. Yes, I am happy that… Continue

Radio Free Texas

Posted on October 25, 2009 at 10:25pm 0 Comments

For those who need to occasionally clear their minds, kick back, relax and enjoy some Texas Music by Texas Artists.


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J.D. Lamb
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Edgewood Republic of Texas
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U.S. Congressional District Number
5 Jeb Hensarling

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