Started this discussion. Last reply by The Daughter of Liberty Apr 21, 2009. 4 Replies 0 Likes
Posted on August 10, 2010 at 3:30pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
Date: August 21, 2010
Time: 12:30 to 4:30
Where: North Carolina State Fair Grounds – Jim Martin Building, Raleigh, NC
The event will feature Congressional Candidates that support the FairTax but all Candidates are welcome to attend this information session.
For more information and to REGISTER for the event go Shred the Tax Code
We are a “Grassroots Organization” and the event is…
ContinuePosted on July 26, 2010 at 10:17am 0 Comments 0 Likes
This is the year to talk about and push our candidates and current reps to take a stance on the FairTax. If they tell you they are for it, ask them why and see if they can actually talk about it. Offer to help them out if they seem to need more education. If they tell you, no they do not support the FairTax, ask them to articulate why not and what do they support instead. Again, see if they can articulate what they do not like about it. They better have an answer for you. Sometimes they just…
ContinuePosted on July 17, 2010 at 9:16pm 1 Comment 0 Likes
By Mike Bush
Riders supporting Fair Tax to visit all 48 contiguous states
ROSWELL — Mike McLean wants everyone around the continental United States to know about the Fair Tax.
So he and his wife, Carol, organized the Grass Roots Freedom Ride to let people across the country know about the proposal to replace the income tax with a consumption tax.
The McLeans were in Roswell Monday, where they met about 15 supporters,…
ContinuePosted on June 19, 2010 at 9:23am 13 Comments 0 Likes
Make It a FairTax Fourth of July
Fireworks will color the night skies across America, replicating the “rocket’s red glare…”.
We will once again celebrate our struggle, sacrifice and determination to break away from a distant government, unfair taxes and the arbitrary and capricious rule of kings.
And in homes across the nation the FairTax will be seen and heard in our first national TV broadcast on Fox Business News at 1:30 p.m. eastern time.
Go here for a preview.…
ContinuePosted on May 18, 2010 at 6:42am 0 Comments 0 Likes
Are you worried about the continued talk in Washington about the VAT as lawmakers look for ways to get more of your money? You should be. If the VAT comes into being, it could be the end for the FairTax. Americans for FairTaxation has made it easy for you to tell your Senators and Congressman that you don't like it and won't stand for it! Go to to the Kill the VAT banner and click on "Tell Congress". If you are a member of then…
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Good Luck!
I have requested an answer from Ning. I will let you know what they say.
Ning just updated their sites to make it simpler to share with facebook, twitter, etc.
Thank you for your messages inviting us to your meetings. Things are really tight right now, what with my husband's company not doing any business since we got our new "hope and change" As soon as we can, we will come to one of your meetings.
Warm regards,
I can pick up either later today or tomorrow morning. I will call you later to arrange
I met Chuck & Mike Huckabee in NH when Mike H was campaigning, I have been tring to email them both to see if they would speak at the rally, Sean Fagan said if I can get Chuck to come on the 15th he would pay my way there other wise I will not be able to make it. winter, work & the economy have been very unkind to my Family this year.
But I have hope :O}
Can you Carry a sign on my behalf :O}
That said, if enough at one time infiltrate and win house seats, that would be a great opportunity for at least media push. Because of other reasons, poor Carl was so unelectable. The illegal alien business and anti-drug push made him look like a racist. Heath didn't even have to work hard against those.
So at local district forums, pushing the topic in front of potential candidates with force of a large perceived voter base, is a very good thing. Open expression of the will of the people as perceived by potential candidates is pretty important I think.
I'd be interested in reasons why those chosen were no-shows.. From their own mouths, on the record.
.. Sorry, too much French Roast this morning. Nice to hear from you again.
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