Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

Was at the Missouri FairTax Rally yesterday and the most impressive speaker to my mind (forgive me Neal and Herman) was a young Democrat activist by the name of Jessica Wexler.

If they taped those speeches then I suggest you listen to this brave and insightful young lady. She represents our best chance of winning this struggle.

Now I have been derided for years because of my attempts to get FairTax supporters to seperate this issue from their usually GOP political leanings. I will readily admit that I have an equally intense distrust and dislike of both major Parties, but the fact is that restoring indirect taxation as the means of gathering Federal revenues (ie repealing the 16th Amendment) should be a moral, economic and Constitutional issue and NOT just a means for Republicans to deride Democrats and Democrats to deride Republicans.

Democrats will NEVER come to rallies or speeches regarding The FairTax as long as the people at those rallies spend every other sentence lambasting President Obama and his party. And if you think that your Republican Party is going to go to the wall for you on this issue (after they didn't do squat when they completely ruled Congress from 1995-2006) then you're nuts.

WE as Americans need to support The FairTax, or any other replacement (not reform) plan. If you believe as I do that ALL of the outrages and indignites done to the U.S. Constitution and by the U.S. Government have been enabled by the 16th Amendment (1913) then obviously getting rid of an income-based tax (or any other direct taxation plan) is the paramount issue that trumps ANY other.

So .. if a Democrat does show up at a FairTax rally please go out of your way to make them feel welcome and comfortable. And then either discuss The FairTax or the evils of direct taxation. Please keep your opinions about abortion, gun rights, wetbacks and Iraq for another time. Please remember that they are the ones entering the lion's den and the last thing you should be doing is make them feel uncomfortable.

The target is REPLACING the income tax. Focus on the target.


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Comment by cary henderson on June 15, 2009 at 1:20pm
Congrats to all attended and made this rally a success. I would like to hear of more Democratic supporters. We'll never get the politician's ears unless they get pressure from both sides of the aisle. Until that happens all we'll get is lip service from Republicans, and opposition from Democrats. As for another party forming, until that new party has numbers in Congress, they don't count. So the best idea is to promote the FairTax as it is, an American non partisan idea.
Comment by Nancy L. Gatchel on June 15, 2009 at 9:48am
I believe Ms. Wexler provided the support for that crucial element of non partisanship. I attended this event also, and I do have to say I really liked hearing from author Kevin Jackson. I believe we here in Ohio will be utilizing this fellow. I think he's going to find himself to be a very busy man.
Comment by Jim Tomasik on June 15, 2009 at 9:40am
Excellent blog.

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