Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

Billie's Comments

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At 4:36pm on March 9, 2009, Teresa J. Geron said…
I joined the Columbus Group! I will be in North Carolina next week and travelling here & there throughout the Spring (can't wait to take my FairTax bumper across the country!!!). Waiting to here when & where we all can meet.
At 11:27am on March 9, 2009, Teresa J. Geron said…
It also starts at 5pm.
I would love a Columbus group. We need it. If ever there was a time for the FairTax to become a Universal movement it is now. As long as there's MAJOR turnover in the House & Senate by 2012 it could pass. We should use the current disgust of the People to capitalize on this. Otherwise it's back to complacency.
I'm eager to work with you!
I ordered a No IRS/Fair Tax bumper sticker and stuck it to magnets before putting it on my car ( I hate sticky bumper stickers) and we need MASS marketing literature to pass out. I actually saw a FairTax yard sign the other day!
This movement needs MASSIVE VISUALIZATION OVERLOAD to work.
At 10:29am on March 9, 2009, Justin Fenn said…
Thanks Billie, I plan on going to the FairTax meeting tonight down in Cincy @ 7PM; I appreciate the address & meeting info!
At 5:15pm on March 7, 2009, Teresa J. Geron said…
Hello Billie~
I have several friends interested in the FairTax movement, largely due to my own persistence & lecturing! I'd be MORE than eager to participate in any capacity. I hope we march on the Statehouse on April 15th!
I'm attending the Glenn Beck "We Surround Them" get together here in Columbus next Friday and am going to wear my FairTax t-shirt w/ my No IRS button.
Totally off the subject: my Mom's name is Billie!
I hope to get an opportunity to meet you & thank you for the warm welcome.
Do not leave out the Libertarian Party!!!
At 9:39am on March 6, 2009, Deborah in Ohio said…
I do believe we're starting to get Democratic and Independent support for the FairTax Tea Parties! This isn't just a Republican Party any more! Gov. Huckabee is starting a 2-week tour of cities soon to see what we can do to help families who are hurting from the economic downturn. I think he was implying on Fox and Friends this morning that if Pres. Obama doesn't veto this Porkulus Budget, he'll be "out of here" and will be a one-termer.
At 11:49pm on March 5, 2009, Ross Pleiman said…
Thanks Billie, I'm overwhelmed by my responses on Fair Tax. I think this is a wonderful cause. I've been thinking about how perfect of a time it is for this (Fair Tax) reform to take place. I also have been explaining the concept to my friends at the University of Dayton and from what I can tell it is a party-less cause...can you imagine something everyone agrees upon (Republicans & Democrats agreeing)
At 9:42am on March 5, 2009, Justin Fenn said…
Hi, I would really like to attend these meetings but I have a strange work schedule that runs Tuesday through Friday from Noon to 9pm & I work on Saturday from Noon to 8pm. If you ever have any events on a Sunday or Monday I would definitely be interested, thanks!
At 10:03am on March 2, 2009, Carol Adams McLean said…
Thanks for sending bikers our way Billie. We're hoping to get everyone who drives anything to hop on board to make a visible presence for FairTax.
At 3:35pm on March 1, 2009, David L. Kendall said…
Thanks for the welcome, Billie. As you may know, I've been a supporter of the Fair Tax for a while now. I am the author of the economists letter of a few years back.
At 8:36pm on February 28, 2009, Steve Curtis said…
I'll not be able to attend the Cin meeting for a couple of more weeks. Right now, I have other commitments on Monday nights.
At 7:17am on February 23, 2009, Steve Curtis said…
I couldn't find any songs on the site. Did you and, if so, where were they?
A good theme song always livens up a party!!
At 5:48pm on February 22, 2009, Marilyn Rickert said…
Hi Billie!

I signed up for the C2C newsletter today. I am leaving for DC before dawn on Tuesday. Will be back early Monday morning. Please keep an eye on things for me!

At 3:05pm on February 22, 2009, Steve Curtis said…
Sounds good to me. Let's find out "who's in", and then we'll know what we have to work with.
At 9:22am on February 19, 2009, Josh Gregg said…
how do I contact them?
At 9:31am on February 18, 2009, Marilyn Rickert said…
Hi Billie!

You are an administrator for the OH group which means you can post and update the leadership lists on the site directly. No need to post them on the comments section. If you have any questions, Please feel free to contact me.

At 5:52am on February 16, 2009, Jim kenny said…
Billie the 16th District is made up of Wayne County, Stark County, and the Southern Tip of Medina. This is Great! to hear we have a supporter in the area. Do you have his contact info?Jim
At 6:39pm on February 15, 2009, Philip A. Reed said…
Thanks Billie! Not sure if my schedule will allow attending meetings.
(my name has only 1-L)
At 3:29pm on February 15, 2009, Bob Whigham said…
Should be there.
At 1:10pm on February 15, 2009, Thomas Larimer said…
Hi, Billie. OK, I responded and now I'm your friend. I saw you at the meeting at Beef O'Bradys last Tuesday. I hope Roushes has a quieter room for us. That place was so noisy that I had difficulty hearing some of the people, especially those with a quiet voice.


At 1:03pm on February 15, 2009, Marilyn Rickert said…
I tell everyone the same thing. I will always tell you the truth the best I understand it but I will always lie about two things -- my age and weight. So I am 16 years old and 95 pounds.

Have a great day!

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