Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

It took all morning to answer this question, but I found that unanswered question on Wiki, and couldn't resist http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_purpose_of_flat_tax&updat...
It types out to a page and a half, and I may use it for other things, but you can access it, comment, or even improve on my answer, OR copy and paste it to where you want, even by submitting it to your local news paper. I wasn't originally TRYING to make an ad for fairTax, since I was answering someone else's question, and had a fair amount of wondering if I should morph into the FairTax, but am glad I did, as it would leave the reader in a shambles. The general public have "misnomered" FairTax for flat tax long enough, and I discovered that at the Tea Party when someone said they would like the flat tax. I was taken aback, since I was all bedecked in FairTax garb. I said, WHY? He then, made up all the fairytale if's and maybe's that could be imagined, without a shred of research (or care for that matter) if any of it would work. He also, said he didn't know much about the FairTax. I aim to go for the jugular to call a lie a lie, and then, leave it to them to be motivated by their shock and awe to go find out about the FairTax.

Gary R. Anderson

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You could point out The Fair Tax is a flat tax on consumption instead of productivity as one rate will be applied only at the point of sale. It may help to point out a tax on income is a plank in Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto and also remind them a flat tax on income has been tried and failed. It's our current income tax. It taxed only 1% on the first $20,000 of income and 7% on income over $500,000 when the 16th amendment was enacted in 1913. It was essentially a flat tax since so few earned over $500,000. The intent was to target the rich. Another flat tax on income will morph back into the oppressive, convoluted monstrosity we have today but will evolve faster thanks to the thousands of lobbyists that didn't exist in 1913.
> I have given years of thought to this question. The flat tax or should I say flat income tax would be an improvement over our current code. But the FairTax is clearly the better solution. The flat tax has more support among the politicians as it will allow them to return slowly to the current system while gaining the votes that saying they support tax reform will get them.
When I first learned of Newt Gingrich's American Solutions website I was delighted to see the FairTax and the flat tax being offered side by side as options. Then when the solutions were presented and the flat tax was their preferred option, I couldn't believe my eyes. The answer as to why was easily found. When American Solutions did their research to see what the American public wanted, the poll question simply asked. What kind of new tax system would you like to see in the U.S.? The same system. A flat tax on income. A 23% national sales tax on all goods and services. No details on the FairTax were presented. Clearly the research was deliberately meant to favor the flat tax. American Solutions is the representative of current Republican party management. Most of the people in that movement would rather take credit for tax reform while ensuring that politicians keep their power over citizens through the tax code.
That is why April 15th We had Fair Tax Rally. I feel "The Tea Party" took away from the Fair Tax for what it stands for. Maybe next year there will be more FairTax Rallies. We all can make it happen.
I know it will happen again in Sanford N.C.
> The tea parties are a good way to spread the FairTax word. We need to have more of them, preferably those that spring up spontaneously due to frustration with Washington. Rick Santelli's original rant mentioned July 15 in Chicago. I hope that one is still on schedule. FairTax needs to have a presence at any of them as we have the only solution being offered.


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