Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

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How can I get my mitts on these? I'm going to attempt to get a booth at our local Popcorn Festival, a big street fair here in Marion, OH.
We would like to get at least one set in each state.

Until we can raise the money for that, we can schedule the first set to be passed around.

The person requesting it would have to pay for shipping them to and from.

I think we need to start collecting the funds to get a second set for the west coast...
How much do these cost? The only thing I don't "like" is the wording "every worker takes home their whole paycheck" I'd rather the wording every worker no longer has FICA, Medicare and Federal Withholding taken out of every paycheck. NOTE we are NOT dealing with the sharpest crayons and when they see "whole" the also take that to mean their 401K's $, health insurance $ etc.... Just a thought!! Otherwise LOVE IT!!!
just under 700.00 for a set of three retractable banners delivered.

We are hoping to have thesse delivered in a few days.
Not only that, but what if a state has income tax?
There are a million what-if's...

What if the person has garnishments.
What if the person has employee insurance or employment expense deductions....

FairTax is talking about Federal Taxes to support the Federal governement. The banners are not large enough to cover every arguement.

The first thing I would say is " You mean your state has an income tax? Now how crazy is that? I live in Tennessee and, fortunately, we don't. We have a sales tax that is not as well thought out as the FairTax. Even with what we do have, we have one of the lowest overall tax burdens of any state in the Union. This is all the more proof we need FairTax at the federal level." ;o)
I just contributed another $50 to help with us.
Thanks Joshua! What do you think of the setup?
It's very nice. Hope we can get more.
We will.
That is exactly why I do not like to use(and object to people using) the "get 100% of your paycheck". I use " There will be NO Federal deductions from your paycheck"

People like to nit pick so since no-one can nit pick better than me, I look for those type items. ds
That wording is better. I will see if we can tweak it on the next set.

This booth setup is a thousand times better than the set we had for the past several years. (That would be no set at all.)


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