Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

FAIRTAX is an AMERICAN thing! Words from Brian Baird in WA State...what does this sound like to you?


Hmmm what legislation is he talking about WITHOUT naming it. Also **NOTE** many "leaders" are afraid to stand up for this legislation and we need to show them they will have our support endorsing this legislation!

We need to have them stating the name of the FairTax!!!

Gooo FairTax! Let the phones start ringing!

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Actually Jamie, I don't think he is talking about the FairTax. The word "progressive" always strikes fear in my heart and never equates to "fair". My guess is that his "plan" is another one of those "soak the rich" ideas that would somehow charge a larger sales tax rate on purchases of "luxury" items.

Just my 3 cents. :)

If it is not the FairTax as written then it is not the FairTax.

It DOES have some very telling points in his plan. He proposes to scrap the code all together not keep it and impose a VAT.

This is a big big big step in the right direction.
Well, at least he got the "scrap the code" part right ;)
> A Democrat admitting that our tax code is broken and should be scrapped? Fairtax.org should give him a briefing. He could become our next Democratic co-sponsor! The FairTax definitly is a fit with his thinking.
Here! Here!
> Just checked the scorecard on FairTax.org. Says he is against it, but that could be because he followed the Pelosi principle. All the WA.Democratic Reps. are opposed.
Cary, I'm very sad to say that the 3 WA.Republican Reps may not be "OPPOSED" but they are not FOR it either which in my book is opposed. Those in congress are either FOR it or OPPOSED to it because like being pregnant you can't be "almost"!!
I have seen ongoing issues with people who like tax code reform, but are unconvinced the Fair Tax is THE solution.
If there is confusion, this just makes success harder. The last things we need are squabbling amongst ourselves and second guessing.
The Fair Tax ($22 Million economic research, and elegantly simple in solving many problems) is vastly better than alternatives.

If anyone has doubts, I challenge them to name a better way to grow the economy. No one has come up with anything, much less anything better.

His initial response was for a modified FairTax. We are working on him to co-sponsor as is.


PS I was the one who got him this far. Took 4 years. I never thought it would happen. One person can make a difference.
May I ask how are you connected with him?

I know his statement is for a modified FairTax. I am all over him to co-sponsor as is.

I was the one who got him this far. Took 4 years. I never thought it would happen. One person can make a difference.



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