Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

I've been traveling across the country and when possible talking to people about FairTax. Yes, some have heard of it, some are enthusiasts, but I'm surprised at how many haven't heard of it. People work, can't hear Boortz on the radio and are necessarily involved in their own world. But there is one very easy way to constantly put FairTax in front of people; I put the FairTax magnetic sign on my car door (won't stick to my non-metalic bumper.) Traveling on the Interstate in my rear view mirror I could see people looking my way as they passed, many pointing to the sign. At a minimum this puts the word FairTax in front of them along with the web site. As in any advertising, the more exposure, the more effective. If we all would advertise this way as we travel on roads and highways constantly putting this national project in front of people it would compliment our other attemps to awaken the people to our cause. We need to awaken this "sleeping giant" called the electorate, make them believers that we mean business. The magnetic sign is only $4.99 at Fairtax.org.

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HEY...I agree and another way to do this is to solicit one's solicitors!


ME: Thank you for calling and please keep me on your mailing list as I will gladly double my donation/support after the FairTax Legislation in DC passes. Have you heard about the FairTax bill in DC that will get rid of the IRS as we know it and put FICA, Medicare and Federal Tax withholdings back into paychecks on payday?

Go to www.fairtax.org to learn more & if you want to join 1,000s of supporters of the legislation go to www.fairtaxnation.com

I figure if they are going to call me and stop me from what I am doing they can listen to what I want to talk about! (tee heee) BUT WOW what an amazing thing if ALL FairTax Supporters started repeating this with all the soliciting calls? I think that will make a HUGE impression...think about how many calls they make and what if there are 10 in the room and call all the different states and one from each state says...We'll support after the FairTax legislation passes...(at a minimum)!!! Seize the moment!!
I write the phrase "Support The Fair Tax(HR25/S296)" on the front of any mail I send out including paying bills. I include the fairtax.org and fairtaxnation. com websites. I write in the center top portion on the front of the envelope so they can't miss it. It's free advertising. One piece of mail will be seen by several people while traveling to its destination. Imagine how quickly the word would spread if all Fair Tax supporters used this same approach!
buy the FAIRTAX not income tax stamp
use it on envelopes, invoices, and dollar bills
The suggestions above are great ideas. Any more out there?
All very good ideas and will be effective. I had a FairTax stamp made up ($10) and stamp every piece of mail that leaves my house including stamping invoices. I also have a good supply of FairTax Fact Cards and include one in each enevlope. Not rocket science but every bit helps get the word "FairTax" out there.


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