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Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25


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Comment by Adrian B Early on December 29, 2010 at 5:57pm

The Fair Tax is a "government efficiency" thing and removes power from news commentators (I guess, based on the below), not just politicians and lobbyists. 


How do we go directly to the American people, since "right" and "left" members of these three groups care only about their own power?  Ballot initiatives? In WA State (before I moved back to TX) we pointed out that initiatives on the ballot have voter's guide "explanations" that most voters read before voting.  Can THIS (plus the petitions required to get on the ballot) get the word out (and circumvent gate keepers)? 



Comment by John Gaver on December 29, 2010 at 5:05pm

Marv, I stopped listening to Rush Laura and Sean a long time ago. None of them want to even hear the phrase "FairTax", let alone discuss it. Some years back, when I was still listening to them, I was cut off of both Rush's and Laura's programs, in mid sentence, within a week of each other, when I used the phrase, "FairTax". That phrase never made it on the air and Rush even covered it up by saying something like, "Well folks, we don't allow bad language on this program. Let's talk to ..." He pretended that I had been cut off because I used foul language. What this told me is that Rush considers the phrase, "FairTax" foul language.

That was my point of realization. Most of those talk show hosts not only adamantly oppose the FairTax, but supported Dubya's bailouts (the bailouts that, interestingly enough, set the stage for the Obama bailouts), Dubya's Amnesty and Dubya's Patriot Act.

That's when it became clear to me that they are all playing the party game and I'm not talking about the Republican Party. They know that they won't get invited to the insider parties in DC, if they don't tow the line and that means support of the Dubya bailouts, while opposing the Obama bailouts, supporting Dubya's Patriot Act, while opposing Obama's only slightly less offensive power grabs and opposing the only TRUE tax reform that offers a chance to defrock the tax and spenders of both parties.

If Rush, Laura and Sean were true conservatives, they would support the FairTax and other conservative issues, even at the risk of sitting home on Saturday nights. It's obvious that they just like being on the inside, kinda like the kids who enjoyed being in the cool clique, in high school.

I'm proud to be able to say that back about the same time, I got kicked off of FreeRepublic, not because I was too liberal or used bad language. I was kicked off of FreeRepublic for being too eloquent an opponent of many things Dubya, including the Patriot Act, his bailouts, his support of Amnesty and his attempts to spin the FairTax into something that it is not now and never was.

FreeRepublic, like the talk shows, would allow criticisms of Dubya and other RINOs, but only as long as the poster sounded sufficiently loopy. But when a true conservative began posting eloquent criticisms of Dubya or any of his RINO policies, that poster would soon silently disappear from FreeRepublic.

For that reason, I knew that my time was coming and I proudly wear my FreeRepublic banning as a badge of honor. That's my way of proving that I was a TEA Partier, long before there was a TEA Party. I have never given an inch on the FairTax, the Patriot Act, Amnesty or any bailouts and I never will.

For me, the best way to deal with Rush, Laura and Sean, is to just not tune in. Similarly, my firewall is set to block FreeRepublic, should I accidentally click a link that leads me there. There are plenty of other talk shows and web sites that provide the opportunity for open and unbiased discussions of the issues and guess what. FairTaxNation is one of them.

Comment by Marv Kuhn on December 29, 2010 at 3:57pm

I called Hermann Cain’s office to express my displeasure in hearing that he thinks we need a flat tax to ease into the FairTax.  He will no longer get my generous campaign contributions.


Express your displeasure to him by calling 678-565-5335.

Comment by Marv Kuhn on December 29, 2010 at 3:55pm

On Wed., Dec. 29, 2010, abour 10:45 AM CST I called Laura Ingraham’s show.  The guest host was talking about how good the Paul Ryan government solutions were going to be for America. 


I asked the call screener if he considered the Paul Ryan income tax plan a good plan when we have a better plan called “the FairTax”.  He replied, “We have already talked about taxes.”   (What I think he really meant was FairTax discussions are not allowed on this program”).


I asked, “Wouldn’t you want to hear about the FairTax and what it can do for you and ask Paul Ryan to support the FairTax?”  The call screener stated again, “We have already talked about taxes” and hung up.


I turned on my radio and guess what they were still talking about???  Taxes!!! 


Has anyone noticed that Laura Ingraham, Rush Limbaugh, and Sean Hannity benefit from The Heritage Foundation’s advertisements on their programs, i.e., the Dick Army and Steve Forbes think tank?


These 3 have a problem with the definition of conservatism.


Marv Kuhn

Comment by Brett Weiss on September 17, 2010 at 10:29am
I don't know if any of my fellow "Fair Taxers" here on the Nation live in Burnet County, Precinct 4 but if so, I would like to ask for your help. I am the Libertarian Nominee for County Commissioner in the upcoming election. I would like to find some places to put up campaign signs. Anyone in my area willing to help?
Comment by Billie on September 16, 2010 at 8:19pm
I like all of your comments. I like Huckabee because he promotes FairTax. I don't know most of the people running for office. I added his endorsement in hopes that the people he supports are aware of the FairTax and could be co-sponsors. We need FairTax. Billie in Beavercreek
Comment by Adrian B Early on September 16, 2010 at 12:07am
The way "professional" politics works (including Republicans) is that lobbyists bribe "insiders" with campaign contributions. Campaigns are won with money (from lobbyists). Most people (traditionally) do not pay close attention to the issues.

I believe the solution is to "finally" enact HUGE, SWEEPING, PERMANENT limitations on government (like the US founders intended) like "no tax code massaging" to please special interests - lobbyists. Like the Fair Tax, with repeal of the 16th Amendment. Like dismantling the Federal Reserve, not just IRS.

Many investors hope for gridlock since that is "good for the economy and stocks". I say that is no longer enough (with global competition for "better" economic liberty, so US is falling behind; no longer leading). Let's limit government PERMANENTLY (Constitutionally; isn't that novel) and send (term limited) citizen servants (not politicians) to DC.

Comment by Roger Wood on September 15, 2010 at 9:22pm
I think Mr. Gaver has a point, although I do like Huckabee. I have seen nothing that truly shows that the Republican party (at least at the national level) has changed. Once in office with a few exceptions, they seem to vote however the party tells them to no matter what they promise in their campaigns, probably to get money from the party for the next race. It's all talk and promises and I wish there were more choices.
Comment by John Gaver on September 15, 2010 at 1:50pm
After the way establishment Republicans have been denigrating and spewing their venom at conservative candidates, even after those candidates win their respective elections, I would think that an endorsement from someone who is seen as an establishment Republican, like Huckabee, might actually be detrimental to a conservative's campaign.

I know that it would certainly make me think twice about voting for a particular candidate. I don't dislike Huckabee. It's just that I have become very gun-shy of establishment Republicans, across the board.

Establishment Republicans fought Medina. They fought Angle. They even sent lawyers into Alaska, to try to overturn the election of Joe Miller, over one of the most liberal Republicans in the Senate. And now, the NRSC has even raised their acrimony to the level of announcing in a hissy-fit that they will NOT support, in the general election, last night's winner of the Delaware GOP Senate primary, Christine O'Donnell.

This kind of hostility and spitefulness from establishment Republicans, against REAL conservatives, makes me and I'm sure many other conservative Republicans, very leery of candidates who receive endorsements or other support from establishment Republicans.

Personally, from what I know about George, I think that he will be an asset to conservatives in the state of Texas. But if I were running his campaign, I think I would be seeking the endorsement of people like Sara Palin, Joe the Plumber and the various TEA Party groups and downplaying (though not rejecting) endorsements from establishment Republicans, like Huckabee.
Comment by Billie on September 15, 2010 at 11:33am

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