Posted on March 29, 2009 at 9:55am
The words of a great man spoken many years ago describe why the Stimulus plan put froth by our present leaders will not work.
"You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. You cannot help small men by tearing down big men. You cannot help the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer. You cannot keep out of trouble by sending more of your income. You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatreds. You cannot establish security on borrowed money. You…
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Paul W.
Do you think we could dedicate say 15-20 min at the next OK Leadership Meeting for a tech segment? Essentially have everyone be able to ask questions about all the online stuff and I can help people set up and implement some of the things people are trying to do. I can bring my laptop and we can do a lot of the setting up and learning right there.
Paul W.
Do you have updated Leadership lists for Oklahoma? If so, and if you'll forward it to me I'll update our list on our OK group page.
Paul W.
Talk to you soon.
Paul W.
Thanks for the offer, I may just call on you. With help from Kansas and John I am trying to make an effort to get the Oklahoma House and Senate interested in working on a State style FairTax. My main problem i is going to be the 37 Indian Tribes and to figure how they fit into the picture. I asked for comment on this issue from AFFT but did not get a very satisfactory response. My immediate effort is to set up a meeting with the Cheerkee Nation and Principal Chief Chad
Bill Harrington
Welcome to the Nation site!
I see my "job description" in the FairTax movement is to listen to the volunteers and help find the resources they need to move the FairTax forward. This site, focusing on the needs of the volunteers, is just one of the things requested by the volunteers. If I can help you with anything FairTax, please let me know!
Happy New Year!
Marilyn Rickert
I have a meeting in the morning with some of my FairTax Leadership and one on Saturday also. I will point them toward this site.
Bill Harrington
Welcome to the site. We are planning to make 2009 a great year for the FairTax and we hope you will help us do that.
Please go join the subgroup of state leaders. We are gathering such folks together there for planning purposes.
Thanks for joining FairTax Nation,