Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

I finally got all the e-mail addresses typed into my excel spreedsheet and added to my gmail address book. I then began sending out the e-mails only to find out that NOT only do they only let me send 50 at time that after sending an e-mail to almost 1/2 of my list that I got an automatic message stating "You can't send any more for 24hrs." ARGGhhhhhhhhh

SO...anyone here have e-mailing lists of MORE than 300 and who do you use for e-mailing?

Goooo FairTax!!!

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When I led the Tampa Bay FairTax Advocates, I had to stagger how many emails I sent out in an hour. The first step is to find out what the limits are for your provider and see if you can work within them. You can then create a second (and/or third) email account that is very close to the one you use. If you do the latter, you'll want to set up a forwarder so any replies will be forwarded to the account you check. As an alternative if you use Outlook to send the emails, you can make it look like they come from the same address and set your primary email address as the "reply to" option.
If you're on the leadership group, does that mean you are a DD or CC? If so, you may be able to sweet talk Aaron Schutte into letting you use Convio to send out mass emails to your district.
A word about Convio. It is not a user friendly platform. That aside, if you are able to create an email list for a particular group and you want to create another email list to another group, the first one is lost. There is room for only one active email list.
I am discussing these issues with Convio at this time with Mr. Linbeck's and Ken Hoaglands blessing and will hopefully have some improvements coming in the not to distant future.
Every commercial ISP/email service provider limits to some amount the number of emails we can send. It is one way for them to limit spam.
The only way I know of to get around that is to have your own web site with an email server or register commercially and pay a higher rate for email service.
Thank you for your input. I think overall I was frusturated because I wasn't expecting it. Now that I know I WILL be able to work around it. "Make it work if you will."

I am both a Community Coordinator & District Director.

GOOOOOoo FairTax!!!
I don't think I have any limits on pop3 accounts via Microsoft Outlook.


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