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Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

Lisa Woods
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  • Medina
  • United States
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Lisa Woods's Friends

  • Beavercreek FairTax
  • C Hill
  • Judy O'Hare
  • SonsOfLibertyRiders.com
  • CJ  Bieghler
  • Gale Joy
  • Stephanie Turner
  • tammy jolene jarnagin
  • Merlin26-K45
  • Debra Shaw
  • Jodee Borgerding
  • Chuck Walden
  • Randy Smith
  • Dave Fouser
  • Bob Sherwin

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We have a conservative group in our county called the "Medina County Friends and Neighbors" We are rebuilding the grassroots political strength we need to preserve and promote our constitutional republic, free market economic system and traditional American values. Check out our website at http://www.mcfan.org for more details.

We are looking forward to a presentation of the Fair Tax at our next meeting March 14 with Steven Curtis. All are welcome to our public meetings.

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At 9:11am on April 20, 2012, Billie said…

Hi Lisa, how did the Akron event go?

At 4:49am on August 30, 2011, Billie said…
Lisa please post your September 3rd "Tea Party Express" under "events". That way everyone can see it.
At 1:20pm on April 16, 2011, Billie said…

Hi Lisa,

I just started a "Medina, OH FairTax" group and I need you to add the information. Use your address and phone number so if anyone is interested you can contact them and forward the information to Steve, Barbara, or me.  Thanks.

At 7:13am on February 8, 2010, Billie said…
Teresa's name is Teresa J. Geron.
At 4:40am on January 23, 2010, CJ Bieghler said…
Hello My Friend How are you?

We have a very busy year ahead of us! I'll be calling you soon. Dayton Tea Party will be holding it's Tax day rally at the Nutter Center in Fairborn, Ohio. God Bless you! Thanks for all you do Lisa!
At 6:20pm on August 18, 2009, Lisa Woods said…

I would like to invite all of our Friends and Neighbors to attend the long awaited Akron Tea Party this Wednesday, August 19, 6 PM at the Cuyahoga Falls Amphitheatre at the Corner of Front & Broad, Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44221. MCFAN will have a table there. Master of ceremonies is WHLO's Matt Patrick. See http://www.summit912.org/community/index.php/local-news/42-summit-news/6-akron-tea-party for the list of guest speakers. This is the event of the week and considering the amount of radio advertising I've heard, turnout should be great! This is a rally, and admission is free, of course. Bring the kids!

Saturday, August 22 we will be hosting our usual 4th Saturday public breakfast forum at 8:30-10 AM at the Golden Corral in Medina. Guest Speaker is Paul Schiffer, publisher of the highly regarded Schiffer Report.

Some other important events are listed on our website.

Just a few more thoughts. The White House, the House of Representatives and the Mainstream Media pulled out all the stops to get Nationalized Health Care passed by August 1. They failed. Or more precisely, we defeated them. All those phone calls, emails, faxes and personal visits worked.

Now the White House is saying that our legislators are going back to hear from their constituents about how much they support Nationalized Health Care. But that is not what the legislators are hearing. Even in precisely located town halls with carefully selected audiences, sanitized questions and carefully programmed teleprompters, almost every meeting has hurt their cause; it only takes a single person asking a common sense question - they can't give a common sense answer that rings true. So now they are trying to paint town hall participants as "angry mobs", "nazi's", stooges for big insurance companies and the Republican Party, and more. It won't work, because the American people see us as non-violent, non-vulgar, informed and reasonable people ... with every reason to be angry about this bill and the way our government tried to railroad it through without proper deliberation. It won't work because the American people see who it is that is trying to "stage" town halls, and paying "volunteers" to support Nationalized Health Care.

Many of our legislators have effectively gone into hiding. Are they really afraid that our senior citizens are going to beat them and their SEIU union goons to a pulp? Or do they just not want to hear what the people have to say? I think the latter. Now I wonder what this Lincoln guy who coined the phrase "Of the People, By the People, and For the People" would have thought of politicians who did not want to hear from you.

I urge you to make it part of your schedule to call your legislator's office, write them a letter, send faxes, send emails and drop by their offices for a chat as frequently as you can. Send them back to Washington with the fear of We the People in their jellied spines!

In God we trust,

Lisa Woods
Medina County Friends And Neighbors
At 8:35am on April 14, 2009, Lisa Woods said…
Talk by Chris Long
April 11, 2009

Chris Long, President of the Ohio Christian Alliance (OCA) was the guest speaker at last Saturday’s MCFAN public breakfast. Chris began his talk by talking briefly about the efforts of Helen Gurley Jones, an ODJFS Director and Obama campaigner, to use Ohio state databases to dig up and publicize damaging information about “Joe the Plumber” last fall, in order to discredit him, after he questioned candidate Obama about his intend to “redistribute the wealth”. It was largely because of OCA’s perseverance that Jones and her closest co-conspirators are no longer Ohio state employees, although Governor Strickland’s initial punishment of them was merely to put them on temporary administrative leave..
Chris noted that the behavior of these public malefactors was due at least in part, due to a declining level of understanding of the founding principles of our nation; and that our public schools are simply not educating our young on the founding American documents such as the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, and why they were written the way they are.
He also discussed President Obama’s recent European tour, and noted that several symbolic gestures were made by Obama. He mentioned Obama’s announcement that “America is no longer a Christian nation”, and observed that not only would many if not most Americans find that an objectionable statement in and of itself, but also that it had serious implications for a country whose founding documents were based upon beliefs about God and mankind’s relationship to God. He noted that although President Obama did not want his middle name used during the campaign, he exploited his middle name Hussein (a son of the Islamic prophet Mohammed) during his trip to Europe. Chris noted that Obama has not yet selected a church to attend in Washington, DC (Editor – perhaps Obama’s ears were burning after Mr. Long’s observation – Obama attended a church in Washington the very next day, on Easter Sunday). Last but far from least, Obama turned down the traditional invitation to visit the graves of our soldiers who gave their lives on Normandy Beach to free Europe from the Nazi’s; but he did accept an invitation to visit a mosque.
On economic matters Chris mentioned the Rasmussen poll that currently only 53% of the public still believe that the free enterprise system is better than government at providing a high standard of living, and commented about the dangers to our sovereignty of Obama’s favorable attitude toward entering into economic governance agreements with foreign powers, and potentially changing our national currency from the dollar to some other form of currency.
Chris called upon all of us to be aware of and to contact our legislators with our opposition to the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA). Obama promised his Planned Parenthood supporters that the first legislation he would sign into law would be FOCA. This law would essentially repeal all restrictions on abortion not only on the federal level, but would also repeal all restrictions in all fifty states as well. Parents would not have to be informed if one of their children was getting an abortion, parents would have no say in such an abortion, women would not have to be advised of the dangers that they may face due to an abortion, partial birth abortion would be permitted, medical professionals who refuse to perform abortions because of their values could lose their jobs and … the list goes on.
We agree that FOCA is a bad bill that requires united opposition, from the taxpayer who does not want to subsidize abortion as an alternative form of birth control, to the Mom and Dad who don’t want the government to usurp their role as heads of household and the parents of their own children, to every conceivable type of category of moderate, conservative, and probably most liberals as well. FOCA is an issue on which the overwhelming majority can agree. It is a bad bill and needs to be stopped.
We thank Chris for his dynamic, informative and thoroughly enjoyable talk, and hope he returns whenever he can. Moreover, we thank the Ohio Christian Alliance for demonstrating genuine leadership during these troubling times, and suggest that everyone tells their friends at church about the OCA. Their website is http://www.ohioca.org.
At 12:55pm on March 6, 2009, Danny Tomasik said…
Hello Lisa,

Welcome to the site.

Please join your states group under the 'Groups' tab at the top. We are planning a huge year for the FairTax in 2009 so you came to the right place.

Please invite every FairTax supporter you know to join as well. We want to build an army of supporters as quickly as we can.

Thanks for Joining FairTax Nation!

Dan Tomasik
At 10:12pm on March 3, 2009, Lisa Woods said…
I am really looking forward to our meeting March 14th and the presentation of the Fair Tax. I think a lot of people have heard of it but do not know the details. This is such a great opportunity to educate
our group on this subject.
At 5:38pm on March 2, 2009, Billie said…
Hi Lisa thanks for joining FairTax Nation. I left a comment for Jim Kenny that you are having a meeting on March 14th. The other Jim is Jim Lewis. You can find these guys on the Ohio group page. Again thanks for everything you are doing. Billie in Beavercreek

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