Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

July 2010 Blog Posts (7)

The FairTax and our Representatives/Candidates

This is the year to talk about and push our candidates and current reps to take a stance on the FairTax. If they tell you they are for it, ask them why and see if they can actually talk about it. Offer to help them out if they seem to need more education. If they tell you, no they do not support the FairTax, ask them to articulate why not and what do they support instead. Again, see if they can articulate what they do not like about it. They better have an answer for you. Sometimes they just…


Added by Laura McCue on July 26, 2010 at 10:17am — No Comments

Free Markets

Opponents of free market capitalism ritually object to its alleged unfairness. This is not a deficiency in economic literacy, it is a deficiency in vocabulary – "free" and "fair" are two different concepts.

In economic exchange, "fair" is a subjective term; what is fair to one is seen as unfair to another. It is an emotional response made after the fact. "Free" is an objective term; it is an observable attribute of the process of exchange.

Freedom in economic exchange is…


Added by Tim Nerenz on July 24, 2010 at 12:56pm — No Comments

I have been an supporter of other tax methods since 1989, that’s when I first herd the flat tax plan. Since then I have learned of many other tax systems for the Federal Government than the Progressi…

I have been an supporter of other tax methods since 1989, that’s when I first herd the flat tax plan. Since then I have learned of many other tax systems for the Federal Government than the Progressive Payroll tax that came into power in 1913. This bloated spending pattern that seems to return more power to those that spend more, has given many greater interest in other funding methods for the Government System the United States uses.

The first thing that any tax…

Added by Dean Holyer on July 20, 2010 at 8:31am — No Comments

Grassroots Freedom Riders Spreading the Word

By Mike Bush



Riders supporting Fair Tax to visit all 48 contiguous states

ROSWELL — Mike McLean wants everyone around the continental United States to know about the Fair Tax.

So he and his wife, Carol, organized the Grass Roots Freedom Ride to let people across the country know about the proposal to replace the income tax with a consumption tax.

The McLeans were in Roswell Monday, where they met about 15 supporters,…


Added by Laura McCue on July 17, 2010 at 9:16pm — 1 Comment

A Little FairTax History and Lore


Here is a little bit of FairTax History and Lore. There were Democrats on the original legislation.

The FairTax was first introduced as the National Retial Sales Tax Act of 1997 by Congressman Dan Schaefer, R, CO-06, on June 19, 1997 in the 105th Congress as H.R.2001. John Linder was one of the original co-sponsors.

There was a related bill, H.R.1325, which had the same sponsor and same title, all of its 10 co-sponsors (including John Linder) in common,…


Added by Jim Bennett on July 16, 2010 at 1:02pm — 1 Comment

Smart People

If I wanted to research the Tea Party, I would not send Katie Couric to interview Sheryl Crow for Glamour magazine. But then again, it would not occur to me to ask for Shakira’s advice on immigration law.

Prompted by Ms. Couric, Ms. Crow recently informed Glamour readers that all Tea Partiers are uneducated, angry, and ignorant. She forgot to say racist and violent - perhaps she should have wrote a list on her palm. The mainstream media was happy to run with "uneducated" in a…


Added by Tim Nerenz on July 15, 2010 at 8:23pm — No Comments

Five Budget Cuts Congress Hasn't Considered

Five Budget Cuts Congress Hasn't Considered

by Lurita Doan in Townhall Daily…


Added by Deborah S. Jones on July 5, 2010 at 8:51pm — No Comments

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