Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

Fair Tax Leadership


Fair Tax Leadership

This group is for all AFFT Personnel from Houston, our Regional Directors, State Directors, District Directors, Community Coordinators, and FTN coordinators to share what we're doing, discussing what works and what doesn't.

Members: 105
Latest Activity: Oct 28, 2015

Spread the Word

I only have an AAS degeree, I know many of you have more college education than that but one of the things that was stressed in several courses was goal setting, I'm possitive that has been the case in many of your courses as well. Especially in business management classes. If the Fair Tax has set goals each year they have kept them a secret, I've been on their mailing list for years and I've never seen specific goals laid out. I have mentioned a more "organized" approach several time and sort of rebuffed saying this is a grassroots movement. What is to say grassroots can't organize into beautiful sod? There are a couple of states that seem to be organized on the state level and that is commendable. Can we make it 50 states in 2009?

Please respond and let's make this happen.

Dave Sibole

Discussion Forum

Fair Total Government?

Started by Adrian B Early. Last reply by Adrian B Early Sep 2, 2013. 3 Replies

Fair Tax: "Fiscal Cliff" Solution

Started by Adrian B Early. Last reply by Adrian B Early Dec 30, 2012. 1 Reply

Comment Wall


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Comment by Dave Sibole on January 12, 2009 at 2:09pm
Jim, I haven't been ignoring you or Miss Fair Tax. I have just been swamped the last several days. Hope to get caught up soon.

Comment by Jim Tomasik on January 12, 2009 at 2:06pm

I would like to answer that question for you.

I have a goal for this year.

Get these State leadership roles stragihtened out! And not by the end of the year... We need them straightened out by the end of the month. The grass roots is being harmed by these messed up lists.

We need them fixed right away.

That's just the beginning of my plans.
Comment by Dave Sibole on January 6, 2009 at 4:16am
Have you seen the
Grassroots Freedom Ride site? What an awesome idea. We could expand the idea into bicycle clubs and walking clubs. Sounds like they have a plan (and working it.) We have been looking for a national organization to which we could funnel money for events, projects and materials. This looks and sounds like there has been one created. Reagan said "There is no limit to what you can accomplish if you don't care who gets the credit." I went to
Grassroots Freedom Ride and got so pumped. It ranks right up there with Fair Tax Nation and Zap the IRS networks. I can see momentum building and it is exciting. Dave
Comment by Barbara Wilson on January 5, 2009 at 7:46pm
I am looking forward to see this site grow! We can, as an organised group, do a lot to promote and educate others about the FairTax.
GO FairTax!
Comment by Billie on January 5, 2009 at 6:04pm
I have Barb Wilson's black and white business cards showing our meetings in the Dayton Ohio area. No matter where I go in the Dayton area, I pass out these cards. Barb also has a yellow sheet, "Our Tax System is Broke" with the pre-bate on the back sheet. If the people seem interested then they get a yellow sheet. I also have the 4 x 6 cards that Barb had printed. (I think I owe her) In other words I tell everyone about our meetings and the FairTax. Billie
Comment by Dave Sibole on January 5, 2009 at 3:34pm
It does seem to be working properly. Thanks for whatever you did.

Now let's get the leaders joining and some activity churning. Bob we are definitely planning to get something going here in Ohio withing the next couple of weeks. Please join us for the conference call on the 8th.

Comment by Jim Tomasik on January 5, 2009 at 2:30pm
Got it! I think the groups thing is working right now!

Members (105)


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