Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

Bob Martin
  • Male
  • Eau Claire, WI
  • United States
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Bob Martin's Friends

  • Carrie Malicki
  • Jessica Wexler
  • Shane Hanson
  • Bernie Valentine
  • Judy
  • Matt Nelson
  • C.J. Cordell
  • Gerald Nielsen
  • Mark Block
  • Dave Boone
  • Allen L. Ose
  • Lance V Nielsen
  • Daniel Holmes
  • Mike McLean
  • Billie

Bob Martin's Discussions

Wis-3 and 7 Chippewa Valley FairTax Summer

Started this discussion. Last reply by Jim Tomasik Oct 12, 2009. 1 Reply

Getting people involved- the "Initiation Packet"

Started this discussion. Last reply by Nancy L. Gatchel May 9, 2009. 4 Replies

The Lobby Effect

Started this discussion. Last reply by Bill Rollyson Apr 12, 2009. 2 Replies


Bob Martin's Page

Profile Information

Name or Internet Handle
City, Town or County
Eau Claire
State / U.S. Territory
Zip Code
U.S. Congressional District Number
Wis. Dist 7
Click below to go to our local web site. Let us know who you are, and get involved so we can get HR-25 passed and get on with our lives!!

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Bob Martin's Blog

Congressional Letter Writing Campaign

Posted on May 17, 2009 at 8:54pm 0 Comments

We have started a letter writing campaign. It is part of an "Initiation Packet". Here is what we are trying to do and what is included to make it easy to do.

• The Congressional Letter Writing Campaign will come with 12 envelopes, stamped and addressed to your Congressman, a supply of FairTax address label size stickers for the closure flap and 12 letters or examples of letters. When signing up you will be given a certain day of the month. So if you live in District 3 and are… Continue

Post Office Push for April 15th

Posted on February 24, 2009 at 6:00pm 7 Comments

This is the "Post Office Push" that worked great for us in 2008, our first year in Wis Dist-3. We began by setting up a table at ONE post office in Eau Claire, Wis., population 60,000. We had some information on hand that I printed off the FairTax.org web site and copies of both FairTax books to show people. We taped a few sheets on the front of our table that had the FairTax.org logo. The post master did not want us on post office property so we set up on the sidewalk and they did not say… Continue

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At 1:44am on October 10, 2009, Jamie Wheeler WA said…
Hey Bob, not exactly sure what you're referring to in regards to printing up "this stuff." Looking forward to hearing from you!
At 10:09pm on October 8, 2009, Laura McCue said…
Bob, I will try to send some of those cards out tomorrow. I totally missed your request and the fact that you provided your address until just now.
At 11:22pm on September 30, 2009, Laura McCue said…
Bob, I am the NC-11 DD and I had my husband's printing/sign company print up a bunch of these cards and that is where Carol got them from. I can send you a packet of them and can also send the artwork if you'd like so you can print your own. Let me know.
At 4:02pm on September 21, 2009, Jessica Wexler said…
You are welcome to use my speech in anyway that helps promote the fair tax. If you have any questions please email me at jesswexler@gmail.com.

At 6:45am on June 19, 2009, Carol Adams McLean said…
Hi Bob,
Those cards came from national a long time ago... Aaron might have the pdf
At 12:48pm on May 20, 2009, Jamie Wheeler WA said…
Hello Bob, Thanks for the idea about the Initiation packets...I've been mulling it over and am getting ready to put together our "Informer Packets" with hopes to distribute some tomorrow. Once they are complete I will let you know what I put them. I think so many DO want to help, just feel they have a limited amount of time or money.
Goooo FairTax!!!
At 4:02am on May 9, 2009, Jamie Wheeler WA said…
Hello Bob...Wisconsin has the same problem as WA state "no co-sponsors in DC". I just wanted to add to your discussion on the "What Can I Do" packets. GREAT IDEA...but instead of the "petitions" you should use the FairTax On-Line petitions because then you can bring them home SIGN them up and join them to your State and Local group. If I am not mistaken the petition I am talking about is at the bottom on the main page where the Tri-Folds are. Where the PDF files are that people are sharing.
LOVE BEING HERE TO SHARE & GET IDEAS!!! Keep up the good work!!
At 11:22am on May 4, 2009, Dave Boone said…

One more time

Laura Henrichsen Osceola, Wi 54020 laurahenrichsen@gmail.com

Dave B
At 9:37pm on May 3, 2009, Dave Boone said…
Hi Bob:

Yeah, I think you're right. I found several more registrations that specified Minnesota. We did pretty well yesterday. 130 registered on the spot and probably twice as many took cards to fill out later.

At 9:23am on April 9, 2009, Lance V Nielsen said…
Hi Bob. Do you have any others from Chippewa that want to stand in front of the Post Office? I grabbed some of the cards at the last meeting that I can hand out and a yard sign that I can tape to a table. I was trying to pull some stuff off of the Fairtax.org site to make some flyers that I can hand out if I run out of cards, but couldn't find anything good. If you have something you can e-mail me I can print it off at home. If not I will create my own this weekend. Thanks and have a great day.

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