Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

Fair Tax Leadership


Fair Tax Leadership

This group is for all AFFT Personnel from Houston, our Regional Directors, State Directors, District Directors, Community Coordinators, and FTN coordinators to share what we're doing, discussing what works and what doesn't.

Members: 105
Latest Activity: Oct 28, 2015

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I only have an AAS degeree, I know many of you have more college education than that but one of the things that was stressed in several courses was goal setting, I'm possitive that has been the case in many of your courses as well. Especially in business management classes. If the Fair Tax has set goals each year they have kept them a secret, I've been on their mailing list for years and I've never seen specific goals laid out. I have mentioned a more "organized" approach several time and sort of rebuffed saying this is a grassroots movement. What is to say grassroots can't organize into beautiful sod? There are a couple of states that seem to be organized on the state level and that is commendable. Can we make it 50 states in 2009?

Please respond and let's make this happen.

Dave Sibole

Discussion Forum

Fair Total Government?

Started by Adrian B Early. Last reply by Adrian B Early Sep 2, 2013. 3 Replies

Fair Tax: "Fiscal Cliff" Solution

Started by Adrian B Early. Last reply by Adrian B Early Dec 30, 2012. 1 Reply

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Comment by Adrian B Early on November 6, 2011 at 2:08pm

Steve Bang (http://www.fairtaxnation.com/profile/SteveBang) emailed me layouts of Herman Cain bumper stickers.  I have decided to post at least some of these with commentary.  This is the first: 

Separation of church and state was never meant by the founders to invite almighty government to outlaw or marginalize the church and take its place as a monopoly.  Slavery to an all powerful state is never liberty, nor honoring to anyone’s loving God.  This includes taxation without representation or choice; as we choose what goods and services we buy, so would choose to pay the Fair Tax or not at any given time. 

We need charity to begin at home and in “free market” “competing” faith communities and local communities.  We also need government out of their biggest present business, insurance and “doing good” with our money.  Mr. Cain’s 9% for government to protect from foreign invaders would work just fine if we all tithed VOLUNTARILY to causes we believe in and have checked for effectiveness (and lack of lobbyist or other waste and corruption). 

You know, communities in America used to care about (and many still do) members who had needs.  To the extent the US government usurps this caring (which government is incapable of), it reduces the love and concern in all these communities, and makes America less like the values that made us great. 



Comment by Marilyn Rickert on October 21, 2011 at 4:22pm
We have begun The Paul Reve Project with is a Fair Tax media campaign. We have a chance to make a TV ad with the help of Paul Wizkowski who made the Fair Tax lunch videos.  We will need to raise $5,000. What do you think?
Comment by Marv Kuhn on September 29, 2011 at 9:37pm
From Sam Kemp: 

I just found this Bio on Herman

Herman Cain is running for president. He's not a career politician
(in fact he has never held political office). He's known as a pizza guy, but
there's a lot more to him. He's also a computer guy, a banker guy, and a rocket
scientist guy.

Here's his

  • Bachelors degree in

  • Masters degree in Computer

  • Mathematician for the Navy, where he
    worked on missile ballistics (making him a rocket scientist).

  • Computer systems analyst for

  • VP of Corporate Data Systems and
    Services for Pillsbury (this is the top of the ladder in the computer world,
    being in charge of information systems for a major

All achieved before reaching the age
of 35. Since he reached the top of the information systems world, he changed

  • Business Manager. Took charge of
    Pillsbury's 400 Burger King restaurants in the Philadelphia area, which were the company's poorest
    performers in the country. Spent the first nine months learning the business
    from the ground up, cooking hamburger and yes, cleaning toilets. After three
    years he had turned them into the company's best performers.

  • Godfather's Pizza CEO. Was asked by
    Pillsbury to take charge of their Godfather's Pizza chain (which was on the
    verge of bankruptcy). He made it profitable in 14 months.

  • In 1988 he led a buyout of the
    Godfather's Pizza chain from Pillsbury. He was now the owner of a restaurant
    chain. Again he reached the top of the ladder of another

  • He was also chairman of the National
    Restaurant Association during this time. This is a group that interacts with
    government on behalf of the restaurant industry, and it gave him political
    experience from the non-politician side.

Having reached the top of a second
industry, he changed careers again!

  • Adviser to the Federal Reserve
    System. Herman Cain went to work for the Federal Reserve Banking System advising
    them on how monetary policy changes would affect American

  • Chairman of the Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank. He
    worked his way up to the chairmanship of a regional Federal Reserve bank. This
    is only one step below the chairmanship of the entire Federal Reserve System
    (the top banking position in the country). This position allowed him to see how
    monetary policy is made from the inside, and understand the political forces
    that impact the monetary system.

After reaching the top of the banking
industry, he changed careers for a fourth time!

  • Writer and public speaker. He then
    started to write and speak on leadership. His books
    include Speak as a
    , CEO of
    , Leadership is
    Common Sense
    , and They Think You’re

  • Radio Host. Around 2007—after a
    remarkable 40 year career he started hosting a radio show on
    WSB in Atlanta (the largest talk radio station in the

He did all this starting from rock
bottom (his father was a chauffeur and his mother was a maid). When you add up
his accomplishments in his life—including reaching the top of three unrelated
industries: information systems, business management, and banking—Herman Cain
may have the most impressive resume of anyone that has run for the presidency in
the last half century.

Comment by Adrian B Early on September 27, 2011 at 9:18am

Re:  Present wealth redistribution bankrolls new criminal enterprises: 

One evidence of actual crime encouraged by government largess is the expose by amateur journalists of multiple Acorn offices (you know, Obama cronies) encouraging what they thought were sexual exploitation of smuggled in young women for money. 

At the very least, they did not mind this happening.  And we know Acorn was one advocate for (and active participant in) forcing banks to make mortgage loans to poor credit risks.  So, they cooperate in extracting money from "the rich" and do not mind if that money goes to crooks.  Not to mention whether Acorn itself might "allegedly" be a criminal enterprise, or based on fraud. 


Comment by Adrian B Early on September 27, 2011 at 7:24am

Oh, the insight was mine, through reasoning.  I do not know of any examples first hand of crime syndicates bankrolled this way. 

Though I had roommates in college "hailing" from the left coast, two of whom refused to work more at their part time jobs than the point where they started losing their social security death (in one case) or disability checks (in the other) for their fathers. 

One completely dropped out of school.  The other finished an inferior program to the one he had started (partly due to "dungeon" (and dragon) "delving" instead of studying enough). 


Comment by Adrian B Early on September 27, 2011 at 7:07am

I should have said: 

This may explain in part our "jobless" recovery.  It may be criminal "jobs" that people are taking on in some cases

This is not the only reason for the jobless recovery.  I have given others before. 

Comment by Adrian B Early on September 27, 2011 at 6:56am

Present wealth redistribution bankrolls new criminal enterprises

Taxing the underground economy has long been (cited as) a reason to support the Fair Tax.  But, in discussion with a friend this became clear: 

Step 1) People decide to take government money instead of working. 

Step 2) Since they now CANNOT accept IRS reportable income, they (after being bored with video games and thumb twiddling, or after being dissatisfied with living on food stamps and welfare), become "founders" of criminal enterprises (the only income that does not kick them off the government dole).  Your tax money helps make sure those crime projects do not fail. 

The Fair Tax does not demand the absence of IRS reportable income, so folks (all of us) receiving the prebate are not required by government bureaucrats to use crime as our only alternative to increase our income. 

Very interesting, is it not.  This may explain our "jobless" recovery.  It may be criminal "jobs" that people are taking on. 


Comment by Adrian B Early on September 22, 2011 at 5:29am

Now and during the coming months might be a good time to remind folks of the forum "Tax - Generated Economic Distortions and Instabilities" at http://fairtaxnation.ning.com/group/fairtaxleadership/forum/topics/.... Please read and comment there.  

I am and have been for days doing damage control (slashing exposure) on portfolios carefully crafted over person - months of consideration. 

Portfolios are supposed to be long term ownership of deployed capital.  To the extent that government policy on the spending or the taxation side creates financial turmoil, not to mention uncertainty that prevents investment by businesses (in almighty "jobs" they purportedly crave), to that extent our government destroys economic progress. 

But it is even worse since people will increasingly have to live on investment portfolios since (as even our president noticed) technology has made labor (and its income to be taxed, by the way) a smaller portion of the total input to GDP (of land, labor, and capital).

And the IRS accounting slavery to waste time reporting all gains and losses for transactions will kick in for citizens, despite the fact that these were NOT profits or losses anyone wanted to take for any use like living on those share sales. 

We must tax consumption, not labor or capital (of businesses or individuals).  Other nations will have increasingly sensible policies on economic freedom.  Bucking that global trend will not prevent prosperity from flowing to free markets and economic liberty.  It will only further prove the natural law that this is the case.  Just as walking off the top of a high rise building will not disprove the law of gravity. 

We must enact the Fair Tax.  Else our nation is doomed, due to all the political stupidity, crony, and voter bribery done by government and of government. 

The Fair Tax is powerful enough to (start to) correct this great nation.  But it is essential we do it now. 



Comment by Adrian B Early on September 2, 2011 at 5:23am

Your Unfair Taxes are hard at work redistributing wealth.  They get help from the Quantitative Easing of your tax RATE burden of the almighty government buying its own risky debt (since others increasingly will not). 


Soon we will all make over $250,000 per year, and all be rich. 


This is helping equalize the purportedly unfair "disparity" between poor nations and US.  We can, living on less than $1000 per day, have lower living standards than present third world nations who used to live on less than "$1.00" per day.  Back when the dollar was worth a continental. 


Isn't government tax / confiscation of production results "stimulating" with hope and change? 

Comment by Adrian B Early on August 24, 2011 at 4:23pm

Hi Folks. 


This video (Marco Rubio) is outstanding http://www.the912project.us/forum/topic/show?id=2881797%3ATopic%3A2...


America truly wants and needs to be


     (1) Free and Prosperous and

     (2) Compassionate. 


May we find and deploy the TANGIBLE plan for that combination soon. The Fair Tax is a huge, necessary part.  But I assert there is also more. 




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